Would Bathtub Refinishing be of use to Your Home?

After you live in your home for a while, things just degrade over time and eventually need some kind of repairs or attention to keep them working well and avoid replacement. For example, there may be stains built up on your bathtub that make it look filthy – even though you keep it as clean as you can. These stains are very difficult to remove and it can get frustrating after a while when all of your scrubbing literally gets nothing removed. You may as a result consider replacing the tub so as to get rid of any unsightly stains. However, before buying an expensive new tub, you may be amazed to learn that there is a way to give your old stained bathtub a brand-new look. Bathtub refinishing is something worth looking into for everyone.
Firstly, bathing is supposed to be a pleasurable and relaxing experience, a chance to recharge and come out clean. However, what if you are bathing in bath tub that just looks dirty and unkept, no matter how hard you try you can’t seem to remove the stains. It’s hard to relax if you’re uncomfortable or afraid of coming out dirtier than you went in.
Think BEFORE You Replace
If you are considering replacing your old bathtub with a new one, you have to consider the overall cost first and foremost. But if you can’t afford a brand-new bathtub, you should consider refinishing your existing bathtub. This is a cost-effective solution which can help you save a lot of money over purchasing a bathtub. Bath tub refinishing implies that you won’t replace your old bathtub with a new one but you will refinish it so that it can look as good as a new one. Besides, you really don’t need to replace your tub unless it’s somehow damaged beyond repair.
Below are some reasons that you need to leave the refinishing work to the professionals, with a basic how-to of how the process is done.
Firstly before any work even starts, it is very crucial for you to protect yourself whenever your bathtub is being refinished. In the process of refinishing your bathtub, you will deal with several chemicals which may be very harmful to your health if you don’t have good ventilation set up. It is crucial for you to work in a well-ventilated area because the fumes of these chemicals are harmful when inhaled in large amounts.
Firstly, any areas of your tub that may be damaged (including chips, cracks, even large scuffs) need to be repaired to ensure that their is a totally smooth working surface, There are chemicals that can be used to remove soap stains as well as hard water mineral deposits. After cleaning your bath tub thoroughly and doing any repairs needed, the next step is by applying the primer so as to prepare it for refinishing. Ensure you cover the areas where you did not intend refinishing with paper and/or masking tape.
Once the primer has dried, the base coat will be applied. The first layer of base coat must be coated evenly and thoroughly all the way over the entire surface of the bathtub. Let this base coat dry thoroughly. Once the base coat is dry, you will be able to safely apply the topcoat. This topcoat is the finish for your bathtub and it will be what your tub will look like when you are finished. You can choose any color for your bathtub, but the most important thing is just ensuring even coverage.
Leave It To The Pros
As you can tell, refinishing your bathtub is no small task and it’s not something for you to try to tackle on a whim one afternoon. If you do insist on doing it, at least consult someone first so you’re sure of what you should be doing. Bathtub refinishing is best left in the hands of the pros. You can contact us anytime to inquire about our refinishing services or to go ahead and set something up for your bathtub!