The Ultimate Bathtub Refinishing for New Years Eve Guide

Have you been struggling with an aged and outdated bathtub? Is your bathtub the wrong color, hard to clean, damaged or worn out? As the New Year approaches, resolutions are made as people embrace the promise of a new beginning. Out with the old and in with the new. You should include bathtub refinishing into your resolutions for the New Year. Bathtub refinishing will leave it looking new and still help you stay within the budget limit. Refinishing is amazing and long lasting. If you choose to get it done this year then you can count on it lasting for a longer period at an affordable rate. This surface refinishing process allows for complete restoration of bathtub surfaces such as the cultured marble, acrylic, fiberglass, and porcelain. Below is an overview of the steps of the restoration process.
Bathtub Refinishing Process
- Cleaning
The surface has to undergo thorough cleaning before the process begins. This is done with the help of special cleaners that help get rid of the body oils, mineral deposits and the soap scum. This exposes the surface of the bathtub and makes the bathtub refinishing process faster, easier, and far more effective.
- Repair
In this stage, the chips and cracks are repaired. This helps increase the lifespan of the bathtub as it covers up all the weak points. You will not have to worry about any leaks for years to come. This is a very crucial step and it should be done with utmost care. The expert has to scrutinize the entire bathtub for any chips and cracks. This means that the room has to be well lit and the owner could help by pinpointing some of the cracks they’ve noticed, [link id=10]Specialized Refinishing[/link] want to ensure no stone is left unturned.
- Bonding
This process is done with the help of a bonding agent. The agent is placed or applied to make sure that the old surface and the new one bond. This is another crucial stage. The expert has to make sure that the agent is applied generously on the surface and the new surface is firmly bonded to the old one.
- Coating
This is done with a fine-finish spray. The spray contains an acrylic coating that is durable and hi-tech. Do note that this is not the same as bathtub paint.
There are other methods used on plastic bathtubs. Save yourself from the hustle of demolishing and remodeling an entire room. The cleaning up process will be lengthy and expensive, and the area around the bathtub will have to be remodeled since the demolition of the area will affect it. Bathtub refinishing will guarantee an extra ten to fifteen years before any other kind of work is needed. Make sure that you take care and maintain the tub as is required such as not using abrasive cleaners on the bathtub surface. An average refinishing job will help you save about seventy-five percent of what you would have used to replace the bathtub. Take advantage of the New Year holiday and get your bathtub looking like you’ve always wanted it to!